length model year Fleet.base cabins persons toilets price


The coast of the island of Elba is extremely articulated, forming innumerable promontories, bays, gulfs and coves. The boat allows you to enjoy its beauties, explore the entire development of the coast, thanks also to the presence of many landings, good grounds for anchoring, and several tourist marinas. A sailing paradise, with more than 80 miles of coastline, 70 beaches, excellent tourist resorts and ancient villages. The capital is Portoferraio, connected to Piombino and Livorno with regular ferry and car transport. The town, built in the Middle Ages as an iron mining center, was refounded in the Medici age and still retains the towers and fortress today. In Marina di Portoferraio the old horseshoe-shaped port, excellent and sheltered for all types of boats. The other port on the northern coast is Marciana Marina, where you can moor to visit the quaint village with its squares and alleys. The south coast is flatter, although there is no lack of rocks and rocks. Marina di Campo is the trendy resort, with restaurants and clubs especially in summer when the beach is filled with tourists. The other tourist ports are on the rugged east coast: Porto Azzurro, a charming village inside an inlet and further north, Rio Marina and Cavo. The most beautiful bays where to anchor your boat: leaving Portoferraio heading west, after Capo d'Enfola there is a system of three very close bays: Viticcio, Biodola and Forno. You can anchor with the help of a good bottom in each of them, to swim, snorkel or go ashore. Biodola has a beautiful beach, and in all the bays you can enjoy an enchanting landscape of Mediterranean scrub lulled by the breeze. Not far from Procchio, the Paolina beach, so called because it was the place where Napoleon's sister stopped when she came to visit him in exile. One of the most intimate places on the island, where to anchor to reach the beach by swimming or with the tender and the rock of the same name a few meters from the shore. In the south-west part, three unmissable places are located in a short stretch of coast. The first is the small beach of Pomonte, with the wreck of the cargo Elviscot lying on the bottom a short distance away at a depth of 8-12 m which make it a suitable destination even for less experienced divers or snorkelers. Continuing we meet the famous bay of Fetovaia: the turquoise sea and unspoiled nature make it an unmissable stop for a swim or simply relax on board. Finally, the Piscine di Seccheto, a series of natural seawater pools formed by smooth granite slabs. They are perfect for lying down, they keep the heat making it pleasant to sunbathe (in very transparent water) even in mid-seasons. Finally, the eastern part: near Porto Azzurro the bay of Barbarossa is very suggestive and convenient for reaching the town without mooring at the busy port. On Elba you cannot miss beautiful beaches: near Portoferraio, on the west side we have the Padulella and Capo Bianco. Then the aforementioned Biodola in an exceptional natural context. On the south coast, the famous (and crowded in summer) Cavoli: in the mid-seasons, arriving from the sea you will find tranquility and nature and the possibility of exploring the adjacent Blue Grotto by tender or kayak. rather touristic: Marina di Campo and Lacona. Above all, the latter offers a very long golden beach, with dunes and a pine forest behind; not far from Capo Stella, where you can anchor in a sandy seabed for a swim or snorkel in crystal clear waters. To conclude our review, a particular destination on the east coast: a little more than a mile from Porto Azzurro, the Terranera lake. You can anchor just outside, in the tiny inlet and reach this basin, formerly a mining well then filled with sulphurous water. It is separated from the sea by a thin strip of sand and forms a beautiful contrast of waters of different colors; around the remains of machinery and the mine.


The largest island of the Tuscan archipelago can be reached quickly from Piombino by ferry. Once in Portoferraio, one of the most requested possibilities is a day on the boat: our operators offer multiple alternatives, comfortable motor boats to sailboats, catamarans or agile dinghies. Elba is a sailing paradise: whether you are a skipper and want a bareboat boat, or if you prefer the skipper on board, we offer interesting itineraries to be completed in the day. Exciting navigation along the coast, stops in the most interesting bays (Forno, Biodola, Marciana Marina), the possibility of snorkeling and diving (the wreck of Pomonte is one of the top destinations). In addition, lunch and aperitif on board at sunset to return to the departure base. Alternatively you can visit the east coast: Cavo, Rio Marina and the picturesque Porto Azzurro. The motor dinghy option gives the possibility of a day charter without the need for a boat license. You can sail along the coast, to the most beautiful destinations, then anchor or moor in the numerous tourist ports of Elba and perhaps reach the south coast.


The great advantage of a sailing holiday is that you are not limited to sailing, but you can visit the surroundings by leaving the boat moored. The island of Elba is quite large and offers a variety of excursions, from port towns, to hilltop villages, to nature trails. The three main tourist ports are located in as many interesting urban centers that deserve a visit. Portoferraio, in an area already inhabited in the imperial era, received a strong development in the Medici age to exploit the important iron deposits of the island (hence its name). That it was a strategic center subject to enemy attacks is reported by the three still existing fortresses, the curtain wall and the ramparts, built by the Medici. Furthermore, we cannot talk about Elba without mentioning Napoleon: the Villa dei Mulini, one of the two residences inhabited by the general in exile, can be visited in Portoferraio. The other two ports where to moor for a pleasant stop are Marina di Campo, a bit of the summer tourist center par excellence, full of clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs and Porto Azzurro, on the east coast, a picturesque seaside village within a bay. It is also advisable to rent a scooter or a car to be able to visit the surroundings of these centers and enter the hinterland. The western part of the island is mountainous, dominated by the peak of Monte Capanne (just over 1000 m above sea level). Between 15 and 25 km from Portoferraio there are pretty hilltop villages: San Piero in Campo, Sant'Ilario and Marciana Alta. Perched on the slopes, narrow alleys and views over the valleys and the sea: find here the authentic Elban island spirit. From Marciana a cable car goes up to the summit of Monte Capanne. In the eastern part of the island, on the other hand, reachable both from the capital and from the nearby Porto Azzurro (only 5 km), the other hilly village: Capoliveri. The visit of the former iron mines of Monte Calamita (and how could it be called differently ..) and of the ancient village is suggestive. Capoliveri is in fact one of the seven municipalities of the island and its foundation dates back to the Middle Ages: in the historic center you can visit S. Maria Assunta, a Romanesque church, and the Sanctuary of Madonna delle Grazie, in a suggestive position overlooking the bay. An evening that can be concluded in one of the numerous restaurants in the hilltop village.