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  Sailing Boat Rental in the Aeolian Islands: Itineraries

The seven islands of the Aeolian archipelago form a large Y, in the center of which is Lipari. Ferries arrive here from the mainland, and the two marinas ensure a wide choice of or. Lipari is the largest island (about 10 thousand inhabitants), with the homonymous urban center, Acquacalda, Canneto and Quattropani. The capital is a lively town that allows you to discover the colors, sounds and scents of real Sicily as soon as you arrive: dominated by the castle with its ancient helmet, the city extends up to the picturesque ancient port (Marina Corta, you cannot moor) teeming with bars, restaurants, ice cream parlors where you can immediately try the delicious granite. The two marinas for our boat are Marina Lunga and Pignataro, slightly north of the center. The island has a very rocky aspect, like the others, as they are of volcanic origin. To the south of the island rise the famous Faraglioni of Lipari: docking is not easy, but it is worth spending half a day there, perhaps continuing towards the small bay of Valle Muria. On the side of Lipari center instead, to the north of the island, is the bay of Porticello. Unmissable place to anchor in about 5-10m, in front of a spectacular now disused pumice quarry. The processing residues have transformed it into a bright white coast, which contrasts with the various shades of turquoise of the sea and the blue of the sky.
And now, after relaxation, by boat: north-east route to reach the exclusive Panarea. It is the smallest island and over the years it has become a small paradise for VIPs: the nature of Mediterranean scrub, hibiscus and bougainvillea hides villas that are architectural jewels, of white lime and precious materials. The town is called San Pietro, you can moor at the two buoy fields with a taxi-boat service. Glamor is at home here, having a drink on its terraces or simply strolling in the beautiful bay. If you want less worldly places on the islet, there are two dream bays, Cala Zimmari and Cala Junco where you can anchor and enjoy the sublime landscape. A system of rocks and islets right in front of San Pietro make it a unique place: Le Guglie, Bottaro, Lisca Bianca and Lisca Nera emerge sharp and rocky from the waters, up to Basiluzzo. On this inhospitable islet, Michelangelo Antonioni shot the first part of the film L'Avventura in 1960, in which a tourist disappears, almost swallowed by inaccessible nature.
We are traveling, sails unfurled, towards Stromboli, another pearl of our nautical itinerary. It is the island on the north-east edge, just over 20 miles from Lipari. It is recognizable from the great distance because it is nothing more than a compact volcano of almost a thousand meters that emerges from the waters. Its activity is visible the closer we get, fumaroles, lapilli and magma. La Sciara del Fuoco: the incandescent magma flows down a large valley and the observation from the sea at night is a priceless experience. On the island there are no marinas, but only the possibility of anchoring, with rather deep waters. The best is off Fico Grande, overlooking the villages of San Vincenzo and San Bartolo. The ascent to the mouth of the Stromboli (with an official guide) is quite demanding (3 hours of walking with a difference in altitude of about 900 m), but the view from the ridge and the emotion of the eruption will repay any effort. The volcano has been constantly active for 200 years and depending on the period, it can have eruptions every 5-20 minutes. The noise, the tremor of the earth, then the explosion and the lapilli, all visible from a safe distance but sufficient to excite, refer to the most arcane and majestic natural phenomena. Even if you don't climb to the top, it is equally spectacular to navigate the circumnavigation of Stromboli, to observe the activity from all perspectives. There is also the possibility of anchoring in Ginostra to visit this remote village with its characteristic white houses.
Departed by boat, it is time for a long navigation to return to the center of the archipelago. Salina is the destination: the island has its own sources of fresh water which have allowed the development of a luxuriant vegetation. On the slopes of the inactive volcano there are vines that produce Malvasia, an excellent local passito wine. Salina has a well-equipped tourist dock where to moor the boat or catamaran in case of need; the picturesque village of Santa Marina welcomes the visitor with a street dedicated to the great Massimo Troisi. Several scenes of his latest masterpiece Il postino were shot on this island. Sailing around the island you will discover other jewels: the bay of Lingua with the fishing village, Rinella with a small beach and, on the other side of Santa Marina, we meet Pollara. This amphitheater-like bay is formed by an extinct volcano; the erosions have created the stacks and the hole of the cave, an arch in the rock. You can anchor nearby to enjoy this corner of marine paradise.
The following islands are located to the west: Filicudi and Alicudi. While the second requires a long navigation and landings are limited, the first is unmissable. It is a tiny island, far from big tourism, where in the two villages, Pecorini and Filicudi Porto, you can breathe a remote and authentic atmosphere. The main center has a bar, restaurant and an ATM. The profile of red and brown rocks is wild, creating scenarios of incomparable beauty. It can be anchored in the bay near the port or at the buoy field, of the two villages or in the source of Pecorini, one of the most enchanting places in the entire archipelago.
It's time to return to the base with our sailboat; we have time for the last visit to Vulcano, the southernmost island. As the name suggests, it consists of a volcano (like Stromboli still in activity). Once in Porto di Levante (buoys or piers), we go down for a pleasant walk in the lively center, full of bars and restaurants: near the beach there is a sulfur spring where you can bathe in the mud. We can then climb to the mouth of the volcano, a much milder ascent than Stromboli. Now the holiday is coming to an end, a week of beautiful natural scenery and navigation that will remain engraved in our memories

  When to go by boat to the Aeolian Islands

A boat holiday in the Aeolian Islands: thanks to its position in the north of Sicily, the Aeolian Islands enjoy a Mediterranean climate which makes it possible to sail practically all year round. Obviously the winter months are colder and rainier, but for example between January and March the temperature fluctuates between 10 and 15 maximum. April and May become ideal months for a sailing or motor boat holiday, when the maximums begin to exceed 20 degrees, with reduced rainfall. The summer months are exceptional for hours of sunshine, although the average maximum temperature does not exceed 28 degrees and is relieved by the breeze. Remember that July and August can be quite busy with tourists. September, October are a winning choice for renting a charter in the Aeolian Islands: the right balance between tranquility and warm to warm climate.

  Family sailing holiday in the Aeolian Islands

A boat holiday in the Aeolian Islands is suitable for the whole family, even with children. You can rent a sailboat with a skipper or a bareboat or a luxury yacht. The climate is pleasant until October, winds rarely become strong. The Aeolian Islands offer a very different range of islands: from the more touristic Lipari, Salina, Vulcano, to the exclusive Panarea, the inhospitable Stromboli, the uncontaminated Filicudi. Collateral activities can be organized to make your holiday unforgettable: kayaking, SUP, jet skis, trekking, mountain biking, tastings, art and archeology itineraries, games for children. Families are welcome and will have a thousand opportunities for fun!