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   Sailboat rental in Amalfi Coast | The best Boat itineraries

The Amalfi Coast can be reached by sailboat from various boat rental bases: Naples, Marina di Stabia, Positano, Amalfi, Salerno. If you rent a boat in Naples towards the Amalfi Coast, Sorrento is a must: it is the famous cradle of limoncello, gently lying on the inland coast of the Gulf of Naples. It is unmissable for the privileged position from which it dominates the whole gulf, for the suggestive historical helmet, for the narrow streets where to shop for local crafts and finally for the pizza, of course Neapolitan! Dubbed Capo Campanella on a sailing boat, the real coast begins. A visit in front of the Li Galli islands, a protected marine area: anchoring is not allowed but the scenery is enchanting. Gallo Lungo, La Rotonda and La Castelluccia, the three uninhabited islets immersed in a beautiful sea. A few miles of navigation and we arrive in Positano, the most romantic place on the Amalfi Coast. From the sea the village perched on the slope looks like a crib. You can moor at the large buoy field or anchor in front of the beaches of Vetica and Laurito. Positano is an enchantment, with its winding roads in the steep slope, which overlooks an incomparable view. The restaurants on the terraces, various fashion streets and excellent craft shops, a beautiful church with colored majolica, enrich the visit. Continuing on the east route, we meet the unique suggestion of the Furore fjord. Nestled between high rock walls, very recessed with respect to the coast line, which crosses it with a daring 30 m high bridge, it is made up of a tiny fishing village with dry boats. On a sailing boat it is necessary to anchor outside and reach it with the tender. Here Roberto Rosselini, with his partner Anna Magnani, lived a period and shot the film L'Amore A few miles separate us from Amalfi, the most important center of the Amalfi Coast and the ancient Maritime Republic. It has a marina well served for the needs of boaters, or alternatively you can anchor the boat just outside the port. Do not miss the historic center, the craft and gastronomy shops and the spectacular 13th century Cathedral with precious mosaics. The visit is completed by the old Arsenal which houses the naval museum, to understand the sumptuous commercial and military past of the city.